Field Trips

Heritage Park Golf Course and Ethan Shamet host a First Green event 775 475 First Green
Heritage Park Golf Course and Ethan Shamet host a First Green event

On Wednesday, April 27, the Heart of America Golf Course Superintendents Association sponsored its second…

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Philadelphia Association of Golf Course Superintendents hosts two fall First Green field trips 722 478 First Green
Philadelphia Association of Golf Course Superintendents hosts two fall First Green field trips

Now more than ever, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) is key to the education of…

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Carolinas GCSA members host two summer First Green field trips 1024 768 First Green
Carolinas GCSA members host two summer First Green field trips

The First Green program, GCSAA’s outreach initiative introducing school children to golf courses and the…

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First Green in the Ozarks 288 160 First Green
First Green in the Ozarks
Todd Bohn, GCSAA Class A member and director of agronomy at Big Cedar Lodge in Hollister, Mo., welcomed 8th grade science students to his course on April 27. read more
High School Activity Ideas 1024 566 First Green
High School Activity Ideas

The First Green Lesson Plans introduce students of all ages to a variety of STEM…

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Spanish STEM Field Trip on the Golf Course | First Green News
Kendrick B. Melrose Family Foundation donates $500,000 in an endowment to support GCSAA’s First Green 1024 561 First Green
Kendrick B. Melrose Family Foundation donates $500,000 in an endowment to support GCSAA’s First Green

The Kendrick B. Melrose Family Foundation has donated $500,000 to the Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG), the…

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Students rotated from station to station, measuring moisture content, calculating land area and studying water…

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Superintendents Host STEM Field Trip | Become a Friend | First Green | A GCSAA Program
Washington State Golf Association donates $26,000 to support GCSAA’s First Green 1000 550 First Green
Washington State Golf Association donates $26,000 to support GCSAA’s First Green

First Green is an innovative STEM education program from GCSAA Lawrence, Kan. (June 18, 2019) –…

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Checking Soil STEM | Become a Friend | First Green | A GCSAA Program
GCSAA hosts the First Green for kids 1024 563 First Green
GCSAA hosts the First Green for kids

GCSAA CEO Rhett Evans talks on the Morning Drive with Lauren Thompson about The First…

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STEM lessons with First Green 1024 563 First Green
STEM lessons with First Green

Fifth graders from Carroll County, Md., took part in STEM learning at Westminster (Md.) National…

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