Golf course superintendent Randy Brehmer, CGCS hosted his first First Green field trip this month as over 120 fourth graders from the local public school descended up The Fort Golf Course to partake in five different learning stations. The stations included soil science, hitting balls on the driving range, finding the surface area of a putting green, viewing turf equipment, and seeing first had a live screech owl, red-tailed hawk, and bald eagle. This field trip was scheduled to take place this past April, however, due to snow still present on the ground, it was rescheduled for September. Mother Nature gave the September date some fits as well, as a light misting rain persisted throughout the day. The rain did not dampen the student’s moods however, as they were well-behaved and truly enjoyed learning on the golf course. During the day, I was able to sign crew member Steven Bitters up with GCSAA membership. Steven is a previous certified golf course superintendent, however, had not been a member of the association for the past five years. He was extremely grateful for the opportunity, and happy to be back in the association. Randy is hoping the First Green field trips become an annual occurrence at the golf course.